
Supplementary Report on easyCBM MCRC Measures: A Follow-Up to Previous Technical Report (Technical Report 1807)

Alonzo, J. & Anderson, D. (2018). Supplementary report on easyCBM MCRC measures: A follow-up to previous technical report. (Technical Report No. 1807). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. In response to a request for additional analyses, in particular reporting confidence intervals around the results, we re-analyzed the data from prior studies. This supplementary report presents the results of the additional analyses addressing classification accuracy, reliability, and criterion-related validity evidence. For ease of reference, we organize this technical report into…
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Oral Reading Fluency: Outcomes from 30 Years of Research (Technical Report No. 1701)

Tindal, G. (2017). Oral reading fluency: Outcomes from 30 years of research . (Technical Report No. 1701). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This paper is about oral reading fluency, how it has been measured, the students who have been measured, and the outcomes that have been reported for both performance and progress.     TechRpt_1701

An Update to Compiled ORF Norms (Technical Report No. 1702)

Hasbrouck, J., Tindal, G. (2017). An update to compiled ORF norms. (Technical Report No. 1702). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This paper describes the origins of the widely used curriculum-­based measure of oral reading fluency (ORF) and how the creation and use of ORF norms has evolved over time.     TechRpt_1702